Monthly Archives: August 2007

Crochet Along

Just a quick note and bump to the top of the page, I have set up a new address for all the Crochet Alongers  HERE  

Please vote  HERE


Since Holli-Jo’s introduction I have been thinking about a Crochet Along everybody reacted so excited that I think we should go ahead with one right? right!

So please leave a comment if :

  • you want to join in AND
  • what you want to crochet-ALONG  AND
  • do you think we should set an end date for this or let it keep going I am thinking untill the 31st of December and after that we’ll see what happens

Here are some idea’s I had, I will update the list when we get more suggestions in the comments section.

  1. Amigurumi
  2. Scarfs and Hats
  3. Christmas gifts
  4. Bags and Purses
  5. Wash cloths
  6. Baby blanket
  7. Tea cozy
  8. Wire crochet
  9. Plastic Shopping bag crochet
  10. Market style bag (A Villager)
  11. Charity for humane society
  12. Charity for kids (Holli-Jo)
  13. Whatever you want with a deeadline (Holli-Jo)
  14. ??

Can’t wait to get started on this!!!



Filed under Crochet-along

Crafty News Update

– The winners of Craftster’s Reusable Shopping Bag challenge are listed here. I love what everyone’s doing with fused plastic bags these days.

– Check out this super-mega-adorable Faux Fur Bag from Lisa at U-Handbag. I don’t usually go for wild trims on bags but I’m totally digging this.

– Remember those great eyeball pincushions from my Pincushion Roundup post? They were made by VeryBigJen, and as it turns out they’re being featured in a pincushion book that will be out this fall! I’m really excited to see this book. You can pre-order it from Amazon. (FYI, the link goes to Jen’s affiliate account. No harm in spreading the love.)

Betz White has a new book coming out this year too! (Looks like an all-book Christmas list for me this year!) You can pre-order this one from Amazon also. (I got the link from her web site, so I think it might be her affiliate link.)

– And last but not least….have you heard about the Periodic Table Printmaking Project? A group of printmakers on Etsy are working together to create all of the elements in the periodic table as prints. This will be amazing to see the finished product.


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Filed under Inspirational Links


Theme for a crochet along
1) Amigurumi
2) Scarfs and Hats
3) Christmas Gifts
4) Charity
5) Wire crochet
6) Baby
7) Tea Cozy
8) Bags and PursesView ResultsMake your own poll

Here is the poll for the crochet along. So please go and cast your vote!! This poll will closes September 1st!

(Sorry about the quality of the poll but it is the only one wordpress supports.)


Filed under Crochet-along

button art

like this idea? well they are buttons. Please visit dqb for more pictures. Salud! Dominique


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Filed under Wall Art

Piano Hinge Book

I made a piano hinge book out of envelopes and bamboo skewers to fill with monsters that my family and I are making up.  It’s also possible to use paper that has been folded, but I prefer envelopes so that you have little pockets to hold photos, keepsakes, etc. 

First, cut the flaps off of your envelopes (I used four, but this is up to you). Stack them so that they are all facing the same direction. Using a template similar to the one below, cut out notches on the bottom edge of each envelope.  I never really put measurements on it, I just eyeball it (I know, isn’t that horrible?), but it should end up looking somehthing like this:

Now, take a bamboo skewer and weave it in the first notch of the first envelope, the second notch of the second envelope, then back to the first envelope, and so on until you reach the end. Repeat this step to connect the rest of the envelopes together. When you finish, you will have extra tabs on the front and back of your book. Weave a skewer through these to finish them off. You may want to amputate the pokey ends to keep from skewering yourself, but it is much easier to weave the skewers through your envelopes using the sharp end, then cut it off later. The skewers may slip and slide on your binding, so finish them off by winding some fibers around the ends and tieing them tightly to help keep the skewers in place. I chose some hairy brown eyelash yarn to go along with the monster theme of my book. When you finish, your binding should look like this:

Now decorate your book to your heart’s content. I put little tabs on each of my monster photos to make it easier to pull them out of each envelope.

Have fun!


Filed under Bookbinding

easy living mini deco


watch how I did this at dqb and tell me if you like it. Is very simple and cheap arrangement.


Filed under Decoration, Tutorial we've tried

Introducing Holli Jo

Hi, I’m Holli Jo, and I’m a new writer for Craft Tutorials. I’m really excited to get started! But first, a little about me.

I’m from the western United States, but just moved across the country to Georgia with my husband. We’re slowly getting used to the change! My hobbies and interests are very scattered. I love health, exercise, reading, writing, hiking, movies, cuddling, and of course, crafts! My crafty interests include crocheting, sewing, paper crafts, recycling items and turning them into crafts, knitting (I still haven’t mastered knitting, but I’m determined to!), and pretty much any other craft that catches my interest.

My personal blog is here if you want to know more about me and what I’m all about. I’m excited to be part of Craft Tutorials, and will be back soon to try out some tutorials and create some tutorials of my own!

Holli Jo


Filed under Introduction

Refashion your wardrobe!

I’m sure you’ve all heard of Wardrobe Refashion, if you haven’t you can read more about it here. I’ve just signed up for 2 months so I won’t be buying any new clothes for that period and will be attempting to refashion some of my clothes. I started with a basic jeans to skirt refashion. There are loads of tutorials on how to do your own such as this one and a search on the Internet will find you many more and in every style you could think of.

I’m now trying to decide what my next refashion will be so I’ve been looking out for suitable tutorials to help me. Maybe you’d like to try some of them as well?

I hope this has given you lots of ideas on how to look at your existing wardrobe in a new light and maybe buy fewer new clothes.


Filed under Sew

Paper Mache Harry Potter Wands

It’s hard to believe that this is the last summer weekend before my son has to go back to school! It makes me want to jam pack it with as much quality time as I can, but it’s too darn hot to do much of anything. So of course, it’s the perfect time to find a really fun INDOOR activity! 🙂 And I know exactly what we can do…

Check out for the steps to make these wands…all you need is paper, glue, a glue gun, and paint!


I can’t wait to make one for myself… uh, I mean, my kids!!



Filed under Paper


I was looking for a crochet pattern I posted a while ago and saw this afternoon we have had 30000 visits to Craft Tutorials Blog. So from me Eve to you reader and I am sure from all the other writers that contribute.


For using this blog as a database and posting your comments. That’s all from me.


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Filed under Update

A New Header!

Yay 1st of August so it was time to decide on the winner of our design a header competition. Well that was easy 1 entry and guess what she won. So thank you Peptogirl Industries here it s untill the end of the year.

Have a lovely day!


Filed under Update