Category Archives: Crochet-along

Crochet Along

Just a quick note and bump to the top of the page, I have set up a new address for all the Crochet Alongers  HERE  

Please vote  HERE


Since Holli-Jo’s introduction I have been thinking about a Crochet Along everybody reacted so excited that I think we should go ahead with one right? right!

So please leave a comment if :

  • you want to join in AND
  • what you want to crochet-ALONG  AND
  • do you think we should set an end date for this or let it keep going I am thinking untill the 31st of December and after that we’ll see what happens

Here are some idea’s I had, I will update the list when we get more suggestions in the comments section.

  1. Amigurumi
  2. Scarfs and Hats
  3. Christmas gifts
  4. Bags and Purses
  5. Wash cloths
  6. Baby blanket
  7. Tea cozy
  8. Wire crochet
  9. Plastic Shopping bag crochet
  10. Market style bag (A Villager)
  11. Charity for humane society
  12. Charity for kids (Holli-Jo)
  13. Whatever you want with a deeadline (Holli-Jo)
  14. ??

Can’t wait to get started on this!!!



Filed under Crochet-along


Theme for a crochet along
1) Amigurumi
2) Scarfs and Hats
3) Christmas Gifts
4) Charity
5) Wire crochet
6) Baby
7) Tea Cozy
8) Bags and PursesView ResultsMake your own poll

Here is the poll for the crochet along. So please go and cast your vote!! This poll will closes September 1st!

(Sorry about the quality of the poll but it is the only one wordpress supports.)


Filed under Crochet-along